Terms and Conditions:

1. It is necessary to show up on time in the morning at the pre-arranged location from where the minibus will depart.

2. Please keep the minibus clean and tidy.

3. In case of questions, please contact the guide who will help you.

4. During the tour, take care of your personal belongings, as the company is not responsible in case of loss.

Who we are?

Book in Georgia was founded in 2018. The experience we accumulated, numerous satisfied guests and Georgian hospitality made us decide to start a company, which will be your local friend in the hospitality sector. As you all know, when you are guest in a foreign country, you need a reliable friend, whom you can trust to organize vacation you anticipated breathlessly the whole year. When you arrive in Georgia Book In Georgia will be your local friend and will show you amazing hospitality by which Georgia and Georgian people are prominent in every country of the world. Wish you a good day and plenty of travel!